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Disposable GLOVES should be used correctly to Protect against Coronavirus

Views: 90     Author: Pidegree Medical     Publish Time: 03-27-2020      Origin: Pidegreegroup

Disposable GLOVES should be used correctly to Protect against Coronavirus

As Coronavirus spreads in many countries,people can acquire Coronavirus through the person-to-person contact,or by touching contaminted surfaces.Wearing a mask is necessary,and more people are wearing disposable gloves when shopping or be in public transportation.

To ensure the effectiveness of disposable gloves,firstly you need to choose the right glove.

       Latex gloves can rip easily,they are not very durable for wearing during activities and daily living.Not to mention Vinyl gloves and poly gloves.They are more easily to be ripped.Thus Nitrile Gloves may seem to be the perfect option.They are durable,flexible and puncture resistant,which highly enhance your hands' dexterity.

Second and most importantly,use the disposable gloves correctly.Please keep the below advise in mind.

  • Wash your hands before and after wearing disposable gloves

  • Be sure the gloves are not torn or punctured

  • When removing gloves,peel them off.Make sure not to touch the outside of the gloves with bare hands

  • Do not wash or reuse disposable gloves

  • Do not touch face with gloves on

Keep yourself safe!

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Disposable Latex Gloves


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