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How are Nitrile Gloves Made?

Views: 35     Author: Pidegree Gloves     Publish Time: 06-19-2017      Origin: Pidegree Gloves

How are Nitrile Gloves Made?

Nitrile, also known as acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR), is a copolymer that’s derived through the emulsion polymerization of butadiene and acrylonitrile. These molecules provide two specific advantages to nitrile gloves:

  1. Acrylonitrile improves chemical resistance

  2. Butadiene creates flexibility and tear resistance


Producing Disposable Nitrile Gloves:

Once the synthetic materials have been created, they are sent to the factory for production:

  • Cleaning the Formers: The ceramic, hand-shaped formers are run through water and acid to clean them and remove residue. The formers are then dried to remove any remaining liquids.

  • Preparing the Formers: The formers are dipped in a mixture of calcium carbonate and calcium nitrate to help the nitrile to solidify around the formers. The formers are then dried again.

  • Dipping in Nitrile: The formers are dipped into a tank of NBR compound, which may include other additives and colors.

  • Vulcanizing Nitrile Rubber: The NBR coating must be heated at a high temperature to form the gloves as they dry.

  • Leaching the Gloves: Gloves are then dipped in water tanks to remove all residues and extractable chemicals. This is crucial for medical and food-grade gloves.

  • Beading the Cuffs: Once leaching is compete, the cuffs are rolled to make the glove easier to remove and less likely to tear near the wrist. Gloves may undergo leaching again after beading.

  • Finishing Process: At this point, gloves are treated to be easier to don. Traditionally, glove manufacturers used powders. These days, they are moving away from powdered gloves, which will be explored in the powder section . To create a glove for easier donning, nitrile gloves undergo one of two processes:

  • Chlorination: This involves exposing the gloves to chlorine to make the material harder and slicker.

  • Polymer coating: This lubricates the glove surface by adding a layer of polymer.

  • Stripping Phase: This is the final stage of production. Once the gloves are finished, workers remove them from the formers by hand.

At this point, gloves must be checked for quality control issues. Particular attention is given to making sure that there are no holes or snags in the material.

Gloves will go through rigorous testing to ensure that they will not be faulty or lead to contamination for glove users.

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