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Uses of Powdered Latex Gloves

Views: 76     Author: Pidegree Medical     Publish Time: 05-24-2019      Origin: Pidegreegroup

Uses of Powdered Latex Gloves

Powdered latex gloves are widely used in many industries.Read this article and learn some detail about powdered latex gloves.


Meaning of Powdered Latex Gloves


Powdered latex gloves have cornstarch added inside which makes the gloves easier to put on and slip off, especially in busy situations that employees need replacing gloves constantly, and can prevent gloves from sticking together.In addition to making gloves easier to put on,the cornstarch also keeps your hands dry and comfortable ,as well as more resistant to tear and rip than non powdered latex gloves.The cornstarch powders are applied to gloves near the end of the manufacturing process.


Reasons for Using Powdered Latex Gloves

1. To facilitate donning of gloves,making them easier to take on and off.

2. The powder can prevent gloves from sticking together.

3. The powder can keep hands dry and comfortable.

4. Powdered latex gloves are cheaper than powder free latex gloves.


Applications of Powdered Latex Gloves

Although uses of powdered latex gloves in medical and food processing field are being eliminated,powdered latex gloves are still widely applied in many other fields.

1.Household cleaning

2.Laboratory work


4.Assembly work


6.Production manufacturing


8.Salon/Beauty works

9.Biodegradable green practice

Pidegree Medical manufactures high quality powdered and powder free latex gloves.Here you can choose what you need.

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